JUNE 10, 2010
PRESENT Marcia Leclerc, Chair and Councillor Marc Weinberg
ALSO Melody Currey, Mayor
PRESENT Jeanne Webb, Development Director
Joseph Carbonell, Clearwire Technology
Matthew Bundle, Clearwire Technology
Susan Skowronek, Councillor (arrived 5:45 p.m.)
Chair Leclerc called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
April 20, 2010 Meeting
MOTION By Marc Weinberg
seconded by Marcia Leclerc
to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2010 meeting.
Motion carried 2/0.
Clear Wireless LLC Lease
Chair Leclerc asked Ms. Webb what basis was used to determine the lease fees and if the Town of East Hartford was charging fees consistent with what the market will bear. Ms. Webb will provide documentation of market pricing prior to Tuesday’s meeting.
Chair Leclerc also inquired if the Police Chief and Fire Chief had reviewed the proposal and signed off that the additional leased space would not interfere with any tower space reception that they are presently using. The Mayor stated that both the Police and Fire Chiefs had reviewed and confirmed that this would not interfere nor did they have a need for any additional space on this tower.
Chair Leclerc also asked if Corporation Counsel had reviewed the contract and the Mayor confirmed that the contract had been reviewed and confirmed appropriate content and language. Additionally Chair Leclerc inquired as to the amount of space remaining on the tower that could potentially still be leased by the town. It was stated that a tower of this size could support 2 additional RAD centers in addition to the space Clear Wireless is interested in leasing. Each RAD Center must be separated by 10 feet of space. This tower is expandable and if needed could be expanded to support additional RAD Centers.
MOTION By Marc Weinberg
seconded by Marcia Leclerc
to recommend that the Town Council approve the proposed
lease between the Town of East Hartford and Clear Wireless LLC
with respect to a portion of the Town’s cellular communications
tower located at 100 Sunset Ridge Drive, which lease shall have
one initial five-year term and two successive five-year renewal
terms, subject to the following lease fees:
1. First Year: Lease fees shall equal $2,100 per month
2. Each Additional Year: monthly lease fees shall
increase on each anniversary of the commencement
date of the lease by 3% over the previous year’s
monthly lease fee.
Motion carried 2/0.
MOTION By Marc Weinberg
seconded by Marcia Leclerc
to adjourn at 6:00 p.m.
Motion carried 2/0.
C: Town Council
Mayor Currey
Jeanne Webb, Development Director